360°: Mirroring the Self

A Bryn Mawr College 360° Course Cluster Project

A Journey Through Selves


Throughout this past year, our class has spent nearly every week discussing “the self.” What is selfhood? What does a journey through selfhood look like? How do we define ourselves in relation to others? As with many things in life, there is no one set or definitive answer. Thus our thoughts and responses, much like our initial plans for the exhibition, were constantly changing.

In creating this final visual project, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on not only the core themes that made this class so special to me, but also the the ways in which my perceptions of selfhood were challenged and transformed through this course. Mirroring our physical exhibit, I decided to create a virtual exhibition with four themes, each one touching upon a core component of the course. While these themes may seem broad, for me, they represent what made this course unique, as well as highlight the different identities I got to try out and develop. Although they are not strictly chronological, almost each image selected from our course hashtag is grouped with an image from fall semester on the left, and an image from spring semester on the right. Together, these four categories and the paired photographs within them form the summary of the journey and friendships I made through our classes, and serve as a final reflection on my time at Bryn Mawr College.

The Self as a Scholar






The Self as a Reflector






The Self as a Curator






The Self as a Collective






Exhibition Checklist

Author: Sarah O'Connell

Sarah O’Connell, ’17 is an East Asian Languages and Cultures major at Bryn Mawr College, with a specialization in pre-modern Japanese art, nihonga, and craft work. She spent her junior year abroad studying Japanese art history at Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan, which included an internship at the Kyoto National Museum where she learned about the process of creating exhibitions and storing and preserving fragile materials.

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